TriMarc Installation

在TriMarc安装,我们理解安装过程的重要性. 对于必威靠谱吗师来说,这是设计过程中最后也是最重要的阶段. 这是所有努力工作和计划结合在一起的时候. 我们的专业安装人员了解这一点的重要性,并与设计人员合作,使安装过程尽可能顺利.

我们的愿景是成为东南地区最大的专门服务于必威靠谱吗行业的全套服务“白手套”安装和物流公司. 我们努力以具有竞争力的价格提供卓越的价值,提供卓越的服务和灵活性,同时提供高度个性化的解决方案,以确保我们的客户在业务上取得成功.

TriMarc Installation为必威靠谱吗行业提供多年的安装和物流服务经验和专业知识. We are insured, 我们的工作人员经常处理最复杂和要求最高的家居和艺术安装项目.

Whether the installation is for a corporate office setting, a model home or a private home, 我们将以符合您预算的价格提供卓越的技术知识和对细节的关注.

TriMarc Installation is a Division of Atlanta Design Group.

full-service "white-glove" installation and logistics


At TriMarc Installation, 我们提供各种服务,帮助您将项目从概念到完成. We understand the importance of our customers’ projects, so we take the best care possible with each one, whether small or large. This ensures the job is done right, on time and on budget.

full-service "white-glove" installation and logistics

Delivery & Pickup

无论您需要送货还是提货,我们都能提供帮助! We will come to you, and if needed, 我们可以通过我们的区域和国家货运承运人网络提供运输到最终目的地.

Delivery & Pickup Rates:

  • Atlanta Metro Area: $90 for first 5 items, $12 for each additional item
  • Outside Metro: Call for Quote
  • America’s Mart Atlanta: $150 for first 5 items, $12 for each additional item
  • Norcross Local:  $50 for first 5 items, $12 for each additional item


请通过传真(770)447 - 9368或电子邮件customerservice@atldesigngroup通知我们.com of shipments you are scheduling for us, 在货物到达我们的地点之前确定承运人和托运人.

Send all LTL, truckload and UPS/Fed-Ex shipments to:

C/O TriMarc Installation
3280 Green Pointe Parkway, Suite 100
Peachtree Corners, GA 30092

所有LTL和卡车货运必须致电(770)447-9308, 24 hours prior to delivery.

客户上门服务:星期一至五,上午8:00至下午3:30(中午12:00至下午1:00闭馆).Minimum 24-hour notice for customer pick-up.

Receiving Rates:

  • Inspection Fee: $15 per item
  • Receiving Fee: $10 per item
  • Uncrating Inspection Charge: $35
  • Storage Rates: $2.50 per square ft. (first 60 days FREE), after 90 days billing moves to $3.25


full-service "white-glove" installation and logistics
full-service "white-glove" installation and logistics

Customer Pickups


Minimum 24-hour notice for customer pick-up.




如果您的项目需要专门的安装服务, look no further than TriMarc Installation. 我们有经验把工作做好,按时按预算完成.

如果通过亚特兰大设计集团旗下品牌ADG Interiors购买:

  • 对于所有超过5000美元的ADG Home订单,可获得一小时免费安装,
  • $15,000 receive two Free hours of installation
    The following terms apply:

    • The one hour cannot be split up.
    • 在TriMarc可以安排和安装之前,必须全额支付发票余额.
    • 如果客户选择拿起他们的ADG Home订单,而不是利用安装, the customer pick-up will be FREE. For ADG Home orders under $5,000, there is a $10.00 pick-up fee for each piece or carton.
  • Term invoices cannot be combined.

Other Charges and Fees

  • Minimum Hours: One hour minimum per installation project
  • Fuel Charge: $0.50 per mile is effective until further notice
  • Assembly Fees: See hourly rates above
  • Trip Charge: $35 within the metro Atlanta area
  • Out-of-State Installations: Please call us at (770) 447-9308 for a quote
  • Cancellation Fee: A $155.00 cancellation fee per scheduled hour for installations, deliveries, 或在48个工作小时内取消预约的现场接机.
  • Crating Fees: $75.00 per crate

Installation and Drive Time Rates

Regular Overtime (after 8 hours)
One man and a truck: $110/hour $140/hour
Two men and a truck: $155/hour $195/hour
Three men and a truck: $200/hour $250/hour
Four men and a truck: $245/hour $305/hour
Four men and TWO trucks: $280/hour $340/hour
Five men and TWO trucks: $325/hour $410/hour
Six men and TWO trucks: $370/hour $445/hour
Additional men: +$45/hour +$55/hour
Additional truck: +$35/hour +$35/hour
full-service "white-glove" installation and logistics
full-service "white-glove" installation and logistics

Freight Service

我们已经与地区和国家货运公司谈判了具有竞争力的运费. 利用我们的折扣,使用我们的货运公司发货. 我们可以安排运送您的物品到我们的设施. TriMarc安装直接开具发票,无需订购单. 请访问我们的必威靠谱页面或致电(770)447 - 9308为您的下一批货.

Delivery & Pickup Rates:

  • For Trips Inside of I-285: $65 for up to three items $10 for each additional items
  • For Trips Outside of I-285: $95 for up to three items $10 for each additional items

Furniture Repair

It happens, and we can help!

  • On-Site Repairs
  • Furniture Repairs
  • Structural Repair
  • Finish Repairs
  • Color Matching
  • Scratch Repair
  • Antique Restoration & Refinishing

Crypton Fabric Protection Service:

Chairs: $35 – $75
Sofas: $95 – $115
Sectionals: $200 – $300


full-service "white-glove" installation and logistics

“… Your team was AWESOME. Best I’ve worked with – above and beyond my expectations. Truly exceptional …”

“……每个人都很好地合作,并在需要的地方帮助我们快速完成项目. 我们感谢他们友好、自愿的态度和辛勤的工作……”

Model Homes

成功的样板房安装完全取决于产品从收货到装上卡车的处理方式. 我们的收货人员会定期检查收到的每件产品,并在其上标明型号名称和房间名称,以便现场安装人员可以根据成品平面图设置每个房间,而无需设计师的持续指示. TriMarc将产品装载到我们的卡车上,这样我们的现场安装人员就可以按顺序卸下产品. 当产品在我们的仓库收到时,TriMarc项目经理会通过我们的在线接收报告让您了解最新情况. 我们协调所有损坏,以确保所有产品符合安装期限. 我们使用excel电子表格,根据型号和房间识别所有产品,可以使用我们的实时在线门户网站全天候查看, ADG Portal.


  • Places rugs, furniture/accessories and beds
  • 挂上艺术品和镜子挂上衣服和蒸汽所有的窗帘
  • Dresses and steams bed linens
  • Assist the Designer in placing accessories
  • Removes all trash to outside trash containers
  • Polishes and cleans all furniture and vacuums
  • Ready for the walk-thru


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